Regional Projects
Regional Projects
The objective of the project is the development of a specific management module for telecommunication service companies, which integrates all their needs in a single tool allowing to control all business parameters.
This project has received funding from:
Regional Projects
Design and development of an intelligent analytical system on knowledge graph that connects and gathers all SupplyChain information.
The objective of the project is to design and develop a platform that combines traditional information and technologies with new cognitive technologies to obtain a new dimension of Business Intelligence for the supply chain that provides unprecedented understanding, intelligence, reasoning and learning.
This project has received funding from:
Regional Projects
Design and development of Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning) and Cloud Computing systems applied to online training.
The objective of the project is to design, develop and include in an E-Learning platform a series of modules based on Artificial Intelligence (Deep learning), neural networks and cloud computing for the identification of users, the automatic generation of video subtitles, the creation of a microlearning platform and the implementation of the new e-Learning standard, CMI5.
This project has received funding from:
Regional Projects
Intelligent pallet lifecycle traceability platform with RFID technology
The objective of the project is to design and develop a software platform that optimizes the management and control of pallet production distributed worldwide, through the application of passive tracking technologies, which will allow managers and manufacturers to obtain total tracking.
This project has received funding from:
Regional Projects
Development and implementation of an Office as a Service platform for enterprises.
The solution proposed in this project consists of virtualizing the traditional office concept and converting the physical office into a virtual office on a pay-per-use basis. The main objectives of this proposal are to reduce the hardware required by the client, create a paperless office system and offer the same features and performance as in a traditional office.
This project has received funding from:
Regional Projects
Interoperable data platform for the wine industry based on FiWare technology
The objective of the project is the creation of an IoE platform completely sectorized and specialized in the wine industry, which allows with open standards, data monitoring, predictive analytics, alarm system, all under an interoperable model where the production process, from the field until it begins to be marketed, is concentrated and controlled from a single platform
This project has received funding from:
Regional Projects
The objective is to propose a new digital system of real-time forecast for the improvement of the mushroom cultivation productivity by the usage of an ITC tool fed with historical data of cultivation and production of the companies Ayecue, Cultivos Riojal and Champifresh (humidity, temperature, harvest times, flowering values, applied treatments, plant growth results, etc.) and an image analysis system.
This project has received funding from:
Regional Projects
The objective of the project is the resources management by using the IDsoft software tool developed by IEI, a comprehensive solution that facilitates the management, planning and execution of RD&I projects in the companies.
Regional Projects
The CLODE project, led by the University of La Rioja, will consist in the development of an engine for the classification, localization and detection of objects in images that provide different cutting-edge techniques to solve these problems. It will be also easily extendable in order to include new methods, thus allowing to compare the different techniques in a systematic and efficient way. Last but not least, this engine must be integrated into other software developments with ease. In addition, the option to extend the obtained solutions to video format will be explored.
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The project led by ADR Infor S.L. and whose full name is “Biometric recognition, HTML5 videoconference, interoperability and new adaptive interfaces applied to the development of tools for university online training” relates to the development of technologically-leading modules that will be incorporated into its e-Learning platform.
Regional Projects
This project aims to develop a comprehensive WEB information system that merges the information of the ERP for wineries management and the agronomic information obtained directly from vineyards.
In this way, purely agronomic aspects, like a right prediction of the wine production or the quality of the harvest in conjunction with others such as the volume of wines stored in the winery according to quality or vintage, the sales evolution or the operating costs can help managers to make strategic decisions of the utmost importance for wineries such as pricing or setting the destination of the year’s harvest.
This project has received funding from:
Regional Projects
The objective is the development of a new information forecast digital system based on international market data to improve the export strategy of canned mushroom products.