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Fundación Universidad de La Rioja
Fundación Universidad de La Rioja


Fundación Universidad de La Rioja

The foundation of the University of La Rioja is a private non-profit organization, constituted in 1997, with the following aims:

  • To promote, boost and disseminate activities related to Science study and research, Technology, Arts and Humanities.
  • To collaborate with the University of La Rioja to promote as many actions as needed for its academic consolidation, as well as to promote new studies that could be demanded by society.
  • To channel the cooperation between the University of La Rioja, the business sector and a wide range of entities or institutions.
  • To promote and support the work of cultural development that has been carried out by the University of La Rioja, by collaborating with local corporations and other public and private entities.
  • To collaborate with the University of La Rioja in the development and management of those activities that contribute to the best assistance to the university community.
  • To promote the development of culture and sport improvement in order to enhance life conditions, the environment and cultural heritage.
  • To promote, in general, all the activities that result in the improvement and educational innovation in the different fields of knowledge.
  • To encourage all kinds of initiatives that promote a better connection between society and the University of La Rioja.


Avenida de La Paz, 107

26006 Logroño – La Rioja

+34 941 299 184

Portfolio Fundación Universidad de La Rioja (ONLY SPANISH)

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Fundación Universidad de La Rioja